Category Archives: Uncategorized

Canine CPR/First Aid Certification


I’m CERTIFIED!  Don’t you feel safer now?

Pet CPR and First Aid Certification is just one of the many things you should look for in a pet care professional.  As a dog walker and trainer, I want to be prepared to handle a situation that could be life threatening to not only my own dogs, but also to those of my clients.  If you are interested in becoming canine safety certified, you may contact

Enjoy your dogs and be safe!

What’s that you say?

imagesOne of the most interesting yet challenging aspects of my job as a dog trainer, is figuring out what a pet parent is trying to tell me when they explain something that they’d like to “fix” or change about their dog’s behavior.

Recently I met with a new client who was very concerned that his dog, PJ, did not respond to or listen when he called her name. He thought maybe the dog didn’t particularly like her name so she ignored him when he called her. The first thing I explained to the owner is that dogs tend to tune out words that they hear all the time, so if he is calling the dog’s name over and over to get her to come to him, PJ has probably just stopped paying attention to the sound of her name.
While the owner seemed to be a bit bothered that PJ might not like her name, what was really annoying him was that 1) his dog was ignoring him, and 2) he couldn’t get her to come to him. Fortunately, both of these issues are fairly easy to “fix”. Positive reinforcement techniques, like those taught by a professional dog trainer, will have PJ running happily to his owner’s side in no time.

As a dog trainer, it’s my job to work with both dogs and their owners to get to the bottom of nuisance behaviors. While interpreting the dog’s behavior can be a difficult part of the puzzle, it’s often more challenging to decipher what the dog parent may be trying to tell me. Getting to the root of the problem is a process that involves a lot of patience and understanding on everyone’s part.

Now that we have the tricky part figured out, we can get on with the program! …Here PJ! I’m the one with the treats and it’s time for us to have some fun and get to work!

Note: the name (PJ) has been changed to protect the innocent. 🐶

Do Dog Walkers Walk in ALL Weather?

dog-snow-girl-nature-winter-1080pLiving in Pennsylvania can bring on a multitude of weather conditions. Just like the post office motto says, “Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.” Ok, so we don’t walk at night, however, yes, most of the time professional dog walkers walk in all weather. The only times Pam the DogWalker does not walk are when temps are extremely hot, below zero or during a thunder storm. We walk when it’s snowing, raining and of course just plain nice out! As long as it will be an enjoyable experience for your dog, we will be sure to get them out for a walk. In those few cases of extreme weather, we just make short trips outside to potty and then head back inside to play. So never fear…Pam the DogWalker is here!

Why Choose Pam the DogWalker?

Pam the DogWalker is not only a professionally certified dog walker, but also a certified canine trainer.

So, what does that mean to you?

  • I come to you!
  • I can offer you both dog walking services and obedience training.
  • No need for you to attend weekly training sessions away from home.
  • No need for you to leave your pup home alone all day.

Allow me to make this easy for you.  I come to your home, while you are at work, to provide your pup with a potty break and some exercise.  Should your pup need a little help with his manners, I jump into my phone booth and become….

Pam the DogTrainer!

Silliness aside, I am professionally certified in dog walking and canine training.  Using only scientifically proven, reward-based techniques, I will work with your dog on basic obedience skills to help him become more mannerly and easier to handle.

For more info on how I can help you and your pet have a better life together, see the Pooch Packages on my Services Page or contact me to discuss a personalized plan just for you and your special pooch!